Working Group B

Working Group B Meetings 

The Preparatory Commission is composed of a plenary body and the Provisional Technical Secretariat (PTS), which assists the Commission in carrying out its activities. The Plenary body is assisted by three groups: 

  1. Working Group A, which deals with budgetary and administrative matters, such as the annual budget, financial and staff regulations and rules and legal issues.
  1. Working Group B, which deals with the examination of verification issues.

Both Working Groups make proposals and recommendations for consideration and adoption by the Preparatory Commission.

Regular participation to the Working Group B meetings is ensured at the managerial level. Our current NDC Manager, Dr. Necmioğlu, is also co-Task Leader on Testing, Provisional Operation and Performance Assessment since 2016 mainly dealing with the progress in installation and certification of IMS facilities, integration of these facilities into IDC processing, and certification of radionuclide laboratories, PTE results for radionuclide laboratories, IMS station failure analysis, new requests for reduced assessments as appropriate, station operator performance, progress of GCI commissioning achieved and plans for future, data availability statistics, IDC performance (including infrastructure, product timeliness and quality), progress in executing the IDC Progressive Commissioning Plan, status and plans for PTS developments in ATM and cooperation with the WMO, status of application software for waveform and radionuclide analysis, consideration of guidelines for testing and provisional operation of the IMS, IDC and GCI and the review of progress in implementation of the evaluation programme of work. He served as Task Leader for Performance Assessment from 2011 to 2016.